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27 - Love Worries 'How long will this happiness last?' (恋の不安「この幸せはいつまで続くの?」 [Koi no Fuan 'Kono Shiawase wa Itsu made Tsuzuku no?'])
Love Worries 'How long will this happiness last?'
28 - Unstable Feelings 'I'm going to get a part-time job!' (ゆれる心「私もバイトするっ!!」 [Yureru Kokoro 'Atashi mo Baito Suru!!'])
Unstable Feelings 'I'm going to get a part-time job!'
29 - Obstacle to love 'I Can't Find The Medallion!' (恋の邪魔者「メダイユが見つからない!」 [Koi no jamamono medaiyu ga mitsukaranai!])
Obstacle to love 'I Can't Find The Medallion!'
30 - Rival 'I Love You, Yuu.' (ライバル「ゆー、大好きよ」 [Rival Yuu, daisuki yo])
Rival 'I Love You, Yuu.'
31 - Suzu and Kei 'These Two Make Me Nervous...' (すずと蛍「不安にさせるこの二人…」 [Suzu to Kei Fuan ni saseru kono futari..])
Suzu and Kei 'These Two Make Me Nervous...'
32 - love at the school festival 'Yuu And Kei's Concert.' (恋の学園祭「遊と蛍のコンサート」 [Koi no gakuensai Yuu to Kei on concert])
love at the school festival 'Yuu And Kei's Concert.'
33 - Lost love 'I Love You!' (恋の迷い道「好きだ!」 [Koi no mayoi michi Suki da!])
Lost love 'I Love You!'
34 - Breakup Premonition 'The Halloween Conspiracy.' (別れの予感「ハロウィンパーティーのたくらみ」 [Wakare no yokan Halloween party no takurami])
Breakup Premonition 'The Halloween Conspiracy.'
35 - Crossing each other's path. You mean we are going to break up (すれちがい「別れようってことなの?」 [Surechigai Wakareyou tte koto nano?])
Crossing each other's path. You mean we are going to break up
36 - I'm alone. I'll make you forget him (一人ぼっち「俺が忘れさせてやる!!」 [Hitori bocchi Ore ga wasuresasete yaru!!])
I'm alone. I'll make you forget him
37 - Tearful reunion. I thought it was over between us (悲しい再会「吹っきれたと思ってたのに…」 [Kanashii saikai Fukkireta to omotteta no ni])
Tearful reunion. I thought it was over between us
38 - Anju's feelings. I want to be next in line to Miki (杏樹の想い「光希さんの次でいいの!」 [Anju no omoi Miki-san no tsugi de ii no!])
Anju's feelings. I want to be next in line to Miki
39 - A bitter love. I've loved Yuu for a long time (せつない恋「ずっと遊が好きだった…」 [Setsunai koi Zutto Yuu ga suki datta..])
A bitter love. I've loved Yuu for a long time
40 - A Holy night. I'm alone on Christmas Eve (聖なる夜「イヴなのに一人ぼっち…」 [Seinaru yoru Eve na no ni hitori bocchi..])
A Holy night. I'm alone on Christmas Eve
41 - The morning of lovers. Merry Christmas (恋人たちの朝「メリークリスマス」 [Koibito-tachi no asa Merry Christmas])
The morning of lovers. Merry Christmas
42 - New Year's pattern of love. It's going to be a wonderful year (新春恋模様「サイコーの年になりそう」 [Shinshun koi moyou Saikou no toshi ni narisou])
New Year's pattern of love. It's going to be a wonderful year
43 - Ski trip. I won't let you two be alone (スキー旅行「二人っきりになんかさせない」 [Ski ryokou Futari-kiri ni nanka sasenai!])
Ski trip. I won't let you two be alone
44 - Our future. Yuu's dream, my dream (二人の将来「遊の夢、私の夢は?」 [Futari no shourei Yuu no yume, watashi no yume wa?])
Our future. Yuu's dream, my dream
45 - Meiko's turnabout. I'm going to Hiroshima (ゆれる茗子「私、広島へ行く!」 [Yureru Meiko Watashi, Hiroshima ni iku!])
Meiko's turnabout. I'm going to Hiroshima
46 - To Hiroshima. Let me be by your side again (広島へ「もう一度そばにいさせて!」 [Hiroshima he.. Mou ichido soba ni isasete!])
To Hiroshima. Let me be by your side again
47 - Couple on the beach. Because I care about you (海辺の二人「君の幸せを思うから……」 [Umibe no futari Kimi no shiawase o omou kara..])
Couple on the beach. Because I care about you
48 - A Taste of Chocolate 'Sweet and bitter Valentine.' (チョコの味「甘くて苦いバレンタイン!」 [Choco no Aji 'Amakute Nigai Valentine!'])
A Taste of Chocolate 'Sweet and bitter Valentine.'
49 - The Shape of Love 'It's difficult to be happy.' (愛のかたち「幸せになるってムズカシイ」 [Ai no Katachi 'Shiawase ni Naru tte Muzukashii'])
The Shape of Love 'It's difficult to be happy.'
50 - The Foreign Exchange Student Appears 'Michael's...strange!' (留学生登場「マイケルって…変!」 [Ryuugakusei Toujou 'Michael tte... hen!'])
The Foreign Exchange Student Appears 'Michael's...strange!'
51 - Love triangle. Someone's messing things up... (三角関係「ふりまわされて…」 [Sankaku kankei Furimawasarete..])
Love triangle. Someone's messing things up...
52 - Making a decision under the moonlight. Yuu don't leave me alone! (月夜の決心「遊、離れるなんて…イヤ!」 [Tsukiyo no kesshin Yuu, hanareru nante.. Iya!])
Making a decision under the moonlight. Yuu don't leave me alone!
Marmalade Boy © 1994 YOSHIZUMI Wataru / Tôei Animation

76 résultats (De 27 à 52)

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