| Paroles |
1 - I want to Fall in Love 'He's handsome, but I can't forgive him!' (恋がしたい「カッコイイけど許せない!」 [Koi ga Shitai 'Kakkoii kedo Yurusenai!']) | |
2 - Side Effects of a Kiss 'I don't know what he's thinking.' (キス後遺症「あいつの気持ちがワカラナイ」 [Kiss Kouishou 'Aitsu no Kimochi ga Wakaranai']) | |
3 - Two Kisses 'Yuu had a girlfriend?!' (2つのキス「遊に恋人がいた!?」 [Futatsu no Kiss 'Yuu ni Koibito ga ita!?']) | |
4 - Ginta's Confession 'I'm not gonna let him take you!' (銀太の告白「おまえをあいつに渡さない!」 [Ginta no Kokuhaku 'Omae o Aitsu ni Dosanai']) | |
5 - Legend of Lovers 'With all my heart in the medallion.' (恋人の伝説「メダイユに想いをこめて」 [Koibito no Densetsu 'Medaiyu ni Omoi o Komete']) | |
6 - Love Game 'I hate you, Ginta!' (ラブゲーム「銀太なんか大嫌い!」 [Love Game 'Ginta Nanka Daikirai!']) | |
7 - Hokkaido With Love 'What's going on with those two?!' (恋の北海道「どうなってるの?あの二人!」 [Koi no Hokkaidou 'Dou Natteru no? Ano Futari!']) | |
8 - The Fragrance of an Adult 'I'm not jealous!' (大人の香り「やきもちなんてやいてない!」 [Otona no Kaori 'Yakimochi Nante Yaite nai!']) | |
9 - Part-Time Job 'The war of love depends on sales.' (アルバイト「恋の勝負は売り上げ次!」 [Arbeit 'Koi no Shoubu wa Uriage Shidai!']) | |
10 - Our First Night 'Surprise in the bathroom.' (初めての夜「お風呂でドキッ♥」 [Hajimete no Yoru 'Ofuro de Doki! (Heart Mark)']) | |
11 - Birthday 'Yuu is staring at me!' (バースデイ「遊が私を見つめてる…」 [Birthday 'Yuu ga Watashi o Mitsumeteru...']) | |
12 - Smash ! 'I like both Yuu and Ginta!' (スマッシュ!「遊と銀太どっちも好き…」 [Smash! 'Yuu to Ginta Dotchi mo Suki...']) | |
13 - Love and Friendship 'Ginta, please date Arimi.' (恋と友情「銀太、亜梨実さんとつきあって!」 [Koi to Yuujou 'Ginta, Arimi-san to Tsukiatte!']) | |
14 - Qualification of Love 'You don't deserve Yuu!' (恋する資格「あなたは遊にふさわしくない!」 [Koi suru Shikaku 'Anata wa Yuu ni Fusawashikunai!']) | |
15 - Meiko's Secret 'I wanted you to tell me...' (茗子の秘密「 してほしかった…」 [Meiko no Himitsu 'Hanashite Hoshikatta...']) | |
16 - A Man's Decision 'Please don't quit, Na-chan!' (男の決断「なっちゃん、辞めないで!」 [Otoko no Ketsudan 'Nat-chan, Yamenai de!']) | |
17 - Meiko's Separation 'I can't say goodbye!' (茗子の別れ「さよならなんてできない!」 [Meiko no Wakare 'Sayonara Nante Dekinai!']) | |
18 - The Direction of Love 'You can't have it the way you wanted.' (恋のゆくえ「思い通りにならないね」 [Koi no Yukue 'Omoi-douri ni Naranai ne']) | |
19 - Marriage Feud 'Don't say it's ridiculous!' (入籍騒動「非常識だなんて言わないで!」 [Nyuuseki Soudou 'Hijoushiki Nante Iwanai de!']) | |
20 - Doubtful Twosome 'Yuu and Satoshi are a couple?!' (怪しい二人「遊と三輪さんがカップルゥ?!」 [Ayashii Futari 'Yuu to Miwa-san ga Couple?!']) | |
21 - Trip to Karuizawa! 'Just as I thought - Strange!' (軽井沢旅行「やっぱり……変!」 [Karuizawa Ryokou 'Yappari.. Hen!']) | |
22 - Double Date 'I like you, but we don't understand each other!' (Wデート!「好きなのにわかりあえない」 [Double Date! 'Suki Nano ni Wakari Aenai']) | |
23 - Shocking Confession 'Yuu, what are you talking about?' (衝撃の告白「遊、何を言ってるの?」 [Shougeki no Kokuhaku 'Yuu, Nani o Itteru no?']) | |
24 - The Secret of His Birth 'I can't leave Yuu alone!' (出生の秘密「遊をほっとけないの!」 [Shuusei no Himitsu 'Yuu o Hottokenai no!']) | |
25 - Real Kiss 'Yuu, I love you!' (リアルキス「あたし遊が好き!」 [Real Kiss 'Atashi, Yuu ga Suki!']) | |
26 - New Anxiety 'I'm too afraid to be happy.' (新たな不安「幸せすぎて…怖い」 [Arata na Fuan 'Shiawase Sugite.. Kowai']) | |
Marmalade Boy © 1994 YOSHIZUMI Wataru / Tôei Animation
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