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1 - Elle n'a plus le temps (彼女はポケポケ)
Elle n'a plus le temps
2 - Un cours complet de bonheur (幸せのフルコース)
Un cours complet de bonheur
3 - Brûle de toutes tes forces, esprit de la pieuvre ! (燃えよタコタコ魂)
Brûle de toutes tes forces, esprit de la pieuvre !
4 - Un début d'amitié choquant (衝撃友達デビュー)
Un début d'amitié choquant
5 - The worst, most unpleasant fellow (最低最悪の嫌な奴)
The worst, most unpleasant fellow
6 - The school has traps, traps, TRAPS (学園のワナ罠わな)
The school has traps, traps, TRAPS
7 - Help! The Stuck Together Panic (助けて~!!密着パニック)
Help! The Stuck Together Panic
8 - A Sudden Arrival's Giant Shock (突然ガサ入れ大ショック)
A Sudden Arrival's Giant Shock
9 - Louan a un point faible (電撃スクープ意外な弱点)
Louan a un point faible
10 - Mon maître est en danger (ご主人様をXマスから守れ!)
Mon maître est en danger
11 - Retrouve le Shitenrin ! Cours après l'amour ! (支天輪をとり戻せ!!愛の大捜査線)
Retrouve le Shitenrin ! Cours après l'amour !
12 - Kaori la jolie maniaque (乱入!!花織は可愛いストーカー)
Kaori la jolie maniaque
13 - Go-Go! The Dangerous Trip to the Hot Springs (ゴーゴー!危険な温泉旅行)
Go-Go! The Dangerous Trip to the Hot Springs
14 - One million Yen is mine! Fireball Challenger (百万ゲット!!火の玉チャレンジャー)
One million Yen is mine! Fireball Challenger
15 - Stop being popular!! The legendary great transformation (脱モテる男!!ウワサの大変身)
Stop being popular!! The legendary great transformation
16 - Who Will It Be!? The Battle to be Valentine (どうなる!?決戦のバレンタイン)
Who Will It Be!? The Battle to be Valentine
17 - The Riddle of the School Uniform Burglar - The Black Manteau Appears (謎の制服泥棒・黒マント参上!!)
The Riddle of the School Uniform Burglar - The Black Manteau Appears
18 - Ah!! The Plan to Retrieve Dad (あぁ!!オヤジ救出大作戦)
Ah!! The Plan to Retrieve Dad
19 - Explosion!! Risk your Life on a Marriage Interview (爆発!!お見合いは命懸け)
Explosion!! Risk your Life on a Marriage Interview
20 - Treasure Legend!! the Terrifying Ghost Ship (お宝伝説!!恐怖の幽霊船)
Treasure Legend!! the Terrifying Ghost Ship
21 - A Sudden Goodbye! The Tearful Date (突然さよなら!涙のデート)
A Sudden Goodbye! The Tearful Date
22 - Love overcomes Destiny.... (愛は運命を越えて……)
Love overcomes Destiny....
Moon Guardian - Les Anges Gardiens © 1998 SAKURANO Minene / Tôei Animation

22 résultats (De 1 à 22)
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