
 | Paroles |
<< Début - < Précédent | Suivant > - Fin >>
1 - Wonderful Days (ワンダフルデイズ [Wonderful days]) | |
2 - A Lesson Just for Two (二人きりのレッスン [Futarikiri no lesson]) | |
3 - Alluring Sweets! (魅惑のスイーツ! [Miwaku no sweets!]) | |
4 - Qualifications of a Lover (恋人の資格 [Koibito no shikaku]) | |
5 - I'm Sorry! (ゴメンナサイ! [Gomennasai!]) | |
6 - Uneasiness at Akihabara (胸騒ぎのアキバ [Munesawagi no akiba]) | |
7 - Wh-What!? A Dripping Wet Midsummer Delusion (な、なんと~っ!?びしょ濡れ真夏の妄想曲[Na, nanto~!? bishonure manatsu no kyousoukyoku]) | |
8 - August is All About That (八月はいつもアレ [Hachigatsu wa itsumo are]) | |
9 - When Times are Tough, Pray to the Gods (苦しい時は神頼み [Kurushii toki wa kamidanomi]) | |
10 - At Last, the Real Thing! (とうとう本番! [Toutou honban]) | |
11 - Nitpicking a Good Day! (いい日、ダメ出し [Ii hi, dame dashi!]) | |
12 - One, Two's, Threesome! (いち、にの、3P! [Ichi, ni no, san pi!]) | |
Kiss x Sis TV © 2010 DITAMA Bow / Starchild Records, Feel
12 résultats (De 1 à 12)
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