
<< Début - < Précédent | Suivant > - Fin >>
1 - Truth is Stranger Than Fiction (事実は小説よりも奇なり [Jijitsu wa shousetsu yori mo ki nari]) | |
2 - No use crying over spilled milk (後悔先に立たず [Koukai saki ni tatazu]) | |
3 - Knock, And the Door Shall Open (叩けよさらば開かれん [Tatakeyo saraba hirakaren]) | |
4 - Fear is often greater than the danger itself (案ずるより生むが易し [Anzuru yori umu ga yasushi]) | |
5 - Meeting is the beginning of parting (会うは別れの始め [Au ha wakare no hajime]) | |
6 - Good can come out of misfortune (禍転じて福となす [Wazawai tenji te fuku to nasu]) | |
7 - Spare the rod and spoil the child (可愛い子には旅をさせよ [Kawaii ko ni ha tabi wo sase yo]) | |
8 - Away from home, one needs feel no shame (旅の恥はかき捨て [Tabi no haji ha kaki sute]) | |
9 - One good turn deserves another (情けは人の為ならず [Nasake ha hito no tame nara zu]) | |
10 - Boys, Be ambitious (少年よ大志を抱け [Shounen yo taishi wo dake]) | |
11 - All things are easy that are done willingly. (好きこそものの上手なれ [Suki koso mono no jouzu nare]) | |
12 - Even a Chance Acquaintance is Decreed by Destiny (袖すり合うも他生の縁 [Sode suri au mo tashounoen]) | |
Junjô Romantica (saison 1) © 2008 NAKAMURA Shungiku / Studio DEEN
12 résultats (De 1 à 12)
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