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1 - The Knights' Battlefield (騎士たちの戦場 [Kishitachi no senjou])
The Knights' Battlefield
2 - The Knights' Academy (騎士たちの学園 [Kishitachi no hanazono])
The Knights' Academy
3 - The Knights' Goal (騎士たちの目標 [Kishitachi no mokuhyou])
The Knights' Goal
4 - The Knights' Pride (騎士たちの誇り [Kishitachi no pride])
The Knights' Pride
5 - The Knights' Ordeal (騎士たちの試練 [Kishitachi no shiren])
The Knights' Ordeal
6 - The Knights' Holiday (騎士たちの休日 [Kishitachi no kyuujitsu])
The Knights' Holiday
7 - The Knights' First Campaign (騎士たちの初陣 [Kishitachi no uijin])
The Knights' First Campaign
8 - The Wandering Knights (彷徨う騎士たち [Houkouu kishitachi])
The Wandering Knights
9 - The Reunited Knights (再会する騎士たち [Saikaisuru kishitachi])
The Reunited Knights
10 - The Knights' Fighting Spirit (騎士たちの剣魂 [Kishitachi no ken heart])
The Knights' Fighting Spirit
11 - The Knights' Performance (騎士たちの演舞 [Kishitachi no enbu])
The Knights' Performance
12 - The Knights' Ark (騎士達の閃光 [Kishitachi no ark])
The Knights' Ark
Prism Ark © 2007 Pajamas Soft / Frontline

12 résultats (De 1 à 12)
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