
 | Paroles |
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1 - The depressed state of a strange summer (憂鬱で奇妙な夏の始まり [Yuuutsu de kimyou na natsu no hajimari]) | |
2 - The Tsukiyomi Observatory and Okakababa (月読天台とオカカ婆 [Tsukiyomi tendai to OKAKA baba]) | |
3 - Arrival of the distinguished announcer (名物アナウンサーがやってきた [Nabutsu ANAUNSA ga yattekita]) | |
4 - Shrine of the luminating woods (光誘う樹木の宮 [Izunau juki no miya]) | |
5 - Weight of a promise and lightness of a dream (約束の重さと夢の軽さ [Yakusoku no omosa to yume no karusa]) | |
6 - The membrane of the world becomes thin (世界の被膜が薄くなる [Sekai no himaku ga usukunaru]) | |
7 - The night of the third promise (三度目の約束の夜 [Sandome no yakusoku no yoru]) | |
8 - Within the narrowness of trancession and remembrance (伝承と記憶の狭間で [Denshou to kioku no kyouma de]) | |
9 - It is always the problem of priorities (いつだって優先順位の問題 [Itsudatte yuusen juni no mondai]) | |
10 - The thought which becomes complicated in the rain (雨の中に錯綜する想い [Ame no naka ni sakusou suru omoi]) | |
11 - Run towards the rice field that look as if it is going to cry (泣き出しそうな田菜へ走れ [Nakidashisouna tana e hashire]) | |
12 - Dancing in the sky where cats dance (猫おどりの空に舞う [Neko odori no sora ni mau]) | |
13 - Tanikawa Kisa and the unaccustomed existence (谷川希紗と見慣れぬ存在 [Tanikawa Kisa to minarenu sonzai]) | |
14 - The two competing powers (拮抗する二つの力 [Kikkou suru futatsu no chikara]) | |
15 - Urban folklore (アーバンフォークロア [AABAN FOOKUROA]) | |
16 - The undiscernible huge thing (目に見えない巨大な何か [Me ni mienai kyodai na nanika]) | |
17 - That is a problem we cannot be involved in (それは関与できない問題 [Sore wa kanyo dekinai mondai]) | |
18 - The encounters and desperation of a seventeen-year old (十七歳の出会いと絶望 [Juunanasai no deai to zetsubou]) | |
19 - The fish that grew wings (翼の生えた魚 [Tsubasa no oeta sakana]) | |
20 - Material Fairy (マテリアルフェアリー [MATERIA FEARII]) | |
21 - Meaning of a good child (いい子でいることの意味 [Ii ko de iru koto no imi]) | |
22 - Things that were lost and things that are born (消えたものと生まれるもの [Kieta mono to umareru mono]) | |
23 - The light in the dark that calls out for happiness (幸せを呼ぶ闇の光 [Shiawase wo yobu yami no hikari]) | |
24 - The girl's small adventure (彼女たちの小さな冒険 [Kanojotachi no chiisana bouken]) | |
25 - The membrane of the world is only a hole (世界の被膜が穴だらけ [Sekai no himaku ga anadarake]) | |
26 - Unreliable Riches of a Winter's End (頼りなく豊かな冬の終わり [Tayorinaku yutaka na fuyu no owari]) | |
Zettai Shonen © 2005 Zettai Shounen Project / GENCO, Bandai Visual, Ajia-Dou [Asia-Do]
26 résultats (De 1 à 26)
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