G.I. JOE | |
| Paroles |
105 - Victoire à Volcania (2) (Victory at Volcania (2)) | |
106 - La conspiration de l'ozone (The Nozone Conspiracy) | |
107 - La base secrète (Pigskin Commandos) | |
108 - Un bon rhume (Cold Shoulder) | |
109 - L'injustice et la méthode Cobra (Injustice and the Cobra Way) | |
110 - Confusion générale (General Confusion) | |
111 - La nuit des bestioles (Night of the Creepers) | |
112 - Tout un spectacle (That's Entertainment) | |
113 - Cache-cache (I found you... Evy) | |
114 - L’officier et l’homme Vipère (An Officer and a Viperman) | |
115 - Alcatraz jour J (1) (D-Day at Alcatraz (1)) | |
116 - Alcatraz jour J (2) (D-Day at Alcatraz (2)) | |
117 - Le broyeur de cerveau (The Mind Mangler) | |
119 - Deux inséparables (Stuck on You) | |
122 - ? (A is for Android) | |
123 - ? (El Dorado - The Lost City of Gold) | |
124 - ? (Long Live Rock'n Roll (1)) | |
125 - ? (Long Live Rock'n Roll (2)) | |
126 - ? (The Sludge Factor (1)) | |
127 - ? (The Sludge Factor (2)) | |
128 - Message profond (Message from the Deep) | |
129 - L’île maléfique (Infested Island) | |
130 - ? (The Greatest Evil (1)) | |
G.I. Joe © 1983 Hasbro / Marvel Studios, DiC Ent.
139 résultats (De 105 à 130)