
G.I. JOE | |
 | Paroles |
27 - Le complot des synthoïdes (2) (Synthoid Conspiracy (2)) | |
28 - La brigade fantôme (The Phantom Brigade) | |
29 - Silence on tourne (Lights ! Camera ! Cobra !) | |
30 - Une campagne agitée (Cobra's Candidate) | |
31 - De l'argent brûlant (Money to Burn) | |
32 - Parapsychologie (Operation Mind Menace) | |
33 - Un train en or massif (Battle for the Train of Gold) | |
34 - Le canon à ondes (Cobra Soundwaves) | |
35 - Visite au Texas (Where the Reptiles Roam) | |
36 - Le maître des jeux (The Gamesmaster) | |
37 - Des lasers dans la nuit (Lasers in the Night) | |
38 - La bactérie géante (The Germ) | |
39 - Le mouchard (The Viper is coming) | |
40 - ? (Spell of the Siren) | |
41 - Tremblement de terre (Cobra Quake) | |
42 - Les otages de Cobra (1) (Captives of Cobra (1)) | |
43 - Les otages de Cobra (2) (Captives of Cobra (2)) | |
44 - Le serpent de mer (Bazooka saw a Sea Serpent) | |
45 - Excalibur (Excalibur) | |
46 - ? (Worlds without End (1)) | |
47 - ? (Worlds without End (2)) | |
49 - Joyeux Noël GI Joe (Cobra Claws are coming to Town) | |
50 - Oeil pour oeil (An Eye for an Eye) | |
51 - Les dieux d'en bas (The Gods Below) | |
52 - Cobra voit grand (The Primordial Plot) | |
G.I. Joe © 1983 Hasbro / Marvel Studios, DiC Ent.
139 résultats (De 27 à 52)