183 - L'ours rapiécé (The Patchwork Bear) | |
184 - Le handicap du Schtroumpf Costaud (Hefty And The Wheelsmurfer) | |
185 - La fièvre sautante (Hopping Cough Smurfs) | |
186 - Le petit cheval ailé (The Little Orange Horse With The Gold Shoes) | |
187 - Les Schtroumpfs monstrueux (Monster Smurfs) | |
188 - Episode inédit (The Bad Place) | |
189 - Les Schtroumpfeurs des Fantômes (Smurfing For Ghost's) | |
190 - Episode inédit (The Gargoyle Of Quarrel Castle) | |
191 - La schtroumpfiplication (Smurfiplication) | |
192 - Episode inédit (Gargamel's Misfortune) | |
193 - Episode inédit (Stuck On Smurfs) | |
195 - Episode inédit (Papa's Day Off) | |
196 - Les p'tits Schtroumpfs du temps (The Smurflings) | |
197 - Episode inédit (He Who Smurfs Last) | |
198 - Episode inédit (Baby's First Word) | |
199 - Episode inédit (The Masked Pie Smurfer) | |
200 - Sassette (Sassette) | |
201 - L’ordonnance pour Puppy (Papa's Puppy Prescription) | |
202 - Episode inédit (Poet's Writer's Block) | |
203 - Episode inédit (Smurf A Mile In My Shoes) | |
204 - Episode inédit (Dreamy's Pen Pals) | |
205 - Le lit volant du Grand Schtroumpf (Papa's Flying Bed) | |
206 - Episode inédit (Mud Wrestling Smurfs) | |
207 - Episode inédit (The Sand Witch) | |
208 - Episode inédit (Kow-Tow, We Won't Bow) | |
Les Schtroumpfs © 1981 Peyo / SEPP-Inter, Hanna Barbera Productions
425 résultats (De 183 à 208)