339 - Episode inédit (Where the Wild Smurfs Are) | |
340 - Episode inédit (The Magic Sack of Mr. Nicholas) | |
341 - Episode inédit (Swapping Smurfs) | |
342 - Episode inédit (Predictable Smurfs) | |
343 - Le rival du Schtroumpf Costaud (Hefty's Rival) | |
344 - Episode inédit (Snappy's Puppet) | |
345 - Le Schtroumpf prince (Prince Smurf) | |
346 - Le retour de Don Schtroumpfo (The Return of Don Smurfo) | |
347 - Les Schtroumpfs dans la tour (Skyscraper Smurfs) | |
348 - L’infortune des Schtroumpfs (Bad Luck Smurfs) | |
349 - Episode inédit (Smurfing Out Of Time) | |
350 - Un nouveau jeu schtroumpfant (A Hole In Smurf) | |
351 - Episode inédit (Smurf Pet) | |
352 - Episode inédit (Timber Smurf) | |
353 - Episode inédit (The Smurf Who Could Do No Wrong) | |
354 - La bonne étoile de la Schtroumpfette (Smurfette's Lucky Star) | |
355 - Episode inédit (The Smurfy Verdict) | |
356 - L'amour perdu de Chlorhydris (Chlorhydris' Lost Love) | |
357 - Ne bougeons plus (Stop And Go Smurfs) | |
358 - Episode inédit (Poet The Know-It-All) | |
359 - Episode inédit (All The News That's Fit To Smurf) | |
360 - Le grand voyage de Gargamel (Gargamel's Quest) | |
361 - La seconde jeunesse de Gargamel (Gargamel's Second Childhood) | |
362 - Episode inédit ('Tis the Season to Be Smurfy) | |
363 - Episode inédit (The Lost Smurf) | |
364 - Episode inédit (Archives of Evil) | |
Les Schtroumpfs © 1981 Peyo / SEPP-Inter, Hanna Barbera Productions
425 résultats (De 339 à 364)