| Paroles |
79 - Fantômette (Baby Spookums) | |
80 - C'est la jungle (It's a Jungle Out There) | |
81 - Le retour du croque-mitaine (The Bogeyman Is Back) | |
82 - Il était une fois... Bouffetout (Once Upon a Slime) | |
83 - Bouffetout est malade (The Two Faces of Slimer) | |
84 - Une affaire collante (Sticky Business) | |
85 - Halloween (Halloween II-1/2) | |
86 - Vous avez dit bizarre (Loathe Thy Neighbor) | |
87 - Le Grundel (The Grundel) | |
88 - O.V.N.I. soit qui mal y pense (Big Trouble with Little Slimer) | |
89 - L'étocopieur (The Copycat) | |
90 - Le grand pied (Camping It Up) | |
91 - Le compte est bon (The Real Ghostbusters) | |
92 - La plaisanterie tourne mal (The Joke's on Ray) | |
93 - Le mauvais côté des choses (Flip Side) | |
94 - La chair de poule (Poultrygeist) | |
95 - Plus de places assises (Standing Room Only) | |
96 - Le robot chasseur (Robo Buster) | |
97 - Raccourci (Short Stuff) | |
98 - Suivez cette voiture (Follow That Hearse) | |
99 - Le triangle de Brooklyn (The Brooklyn Triangle) | |
100 - Something's Going Around (Something's Going Around) | |
101 - Three Men and an Egon (Three Men and an Egon) | |
102 - Elementary My Dear Winston (Elementary My Dear Winston) | |
103 - If I Were a Witch Man (If I Were a Witch Man) | |
104 - Partners in Slime (Partners in Slime) | |
S.O.S. Fantômes © 1986 SCHEIMER Lou / Filmation
140 résultats (De 79 à 104)